you know you’re tired when…
you get up in the morning and put your thong underwear on *sideways*.
sadly, this is not even the first time this has happened to me. i once wore it that way for nearly half a day.
you know you’re tired when…
you get up in the morning and put your thong underwear on *sideways*.
sadly, this is not even the first time this has happened to me. i once wore it that way for nearly half a day.
Comment by amity
20.10.2007 @ 13:54 pm
that’s what you get for wearing dental floss.
Comment by nikoline
21.10.2007 @ 03:24 am
oh, wow. this is funny.
p.s. now i don’t feel so bad as i think i’ve done the same thing and given that i respect you greatly it now seems more ok.
Comment by Jen
22.10.2007 @ 18:43 pm
no, trust me – it’s far too uncomfortable to be okay!