green eyed monster
when we first got zeke, he was incredibly skittish. he came from a house with several other cats and three young kids, and i have the feeling he was on the receiving end of more torture than affection. he didn’t purr a lot, didn’t like being held and he wasn’t very cuddly. j, never having had cats before, didn’t mind this, so long as he was playful. me, i like my furballs cozy and doting, and was determined to teach zeke to enjoy snuggling. patiently, consistently, i lavished him with attention.
and then,while j was away visiting his family in south africa, zeke and i made a breakthrough – he curled up in my lap, something he’d never done before. suddenly, he turned into this loving lapcat, who voluntarily sought out a comfy place to chill and be petted or doze. it was so gratifying, and i was so proud of myself. when jonno came home, i showed him zeke’s new trick like a proud parent.
and since he’s been back, who’s lap do you think he’s been permanently attached to? j’s of course. i know it’s probably just because j has a bigger lap to stretch out in, and i know cats gravitate to the people who’re most indifferent towards them.
still, i can’t help but be jealous. this must be what dads feel like when their crying child runs to mommy instead of them for soothing. zeke is very much daddy’s boy.
it stinks.
ryan adams – gonna make you love me
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Comment by amity
20.10.2007 @ 09:06 am
my cat ziggy used to do this to me too. i’d spend all the time with him and then he’d run to paul. just enjoy those kitty snuggles when you can.
Comment by Vol Abroad
21.10.2007 @ 12:00 pm
Dang cats