exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

the fear of being overheard

by Jen at 8:57 pm on 9.10.2007 | 7 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

i’ve been tagged by amity to do a writing meme, where i list five writing strengths.

this is hard. it makes me uncomfortable, this meme, because in spite of my love of writing, i definitely don’t think of myself as a writer, and i don’t often feel like i “write” here. this blog certainly isn’t substantial enough, weighty enough to qualify as “writing”. writing is a serious undertaking. writing involves angst, sturm und drang, great emotional upheaval. writing is the product of a compulsion to create, to give birth.

writing is what writers do – and i am not a writer.

so with that disclaimer out of the way, here’s the meme.

i don’t shy away from emotion. my best posts have a piece of my heart woven through them.

i bring the past into the present. i often feel the best way to illustrate the here and now is by delving into memory.

variety is the spice of life. sometimes i have long, rambling, deep thoughts – and sometimes it’s a flippant one-liner. like the box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get – and that keeps things interesting.

i overuse the underappreciated spaced en dash.
really, my sentences just tend to run on, and so i use dashes to pretend it’s intentional – like so.

i’m unafraid to evolve in the public eye. reading my earliest blog posts just makes me cringe. of course, i didn’t imagine anyone actually read any of it then, so i didn’t take it seriously. some days, i still don’t. but knowing there are actual readers, real people out there, has made me stretch myself into something bigger and better than i thought i could be. and that’s made me a better “writer”. and on my trip last year, in my earnest desire to capture everything i was seeing and experiencing, i began something that may one day turn into a book, of sorts – if only just for me. maybe.

maybe i am a writer, after all.

feist – secret heart

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  • 1

    Comment by amity

    9.10.2007 @ 21:14 pm

    I knew this would be a challenge for you and I was also pretty sure you would deny that you are a writer, but you are. Believe me, you are.


  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    9.10.2007 @ 21:24 pm

    evil wench, you are! )

  • 3

    Comment by Strawberry

    9.10.2007 @ 23:49 pm

    I can’t believe I’m doing this to you right after Amity did, but hey, it’s just traffic to your blog. Guess what? I’m tagging you. This one works where you give seven facts about yourself and then tag seven other blogs. It is, at least, an easy blog-subject for a rainy day when you can’t think of anything to write about.

  • 4

    Comment by Mrs. G.

    10.10.2007 @ 07:32 am

    I share your love for the dash, and am more deeply involved with the hyphen.

  • 5

    Comment by Jen

    10.10.2007 @ 16:32 pm

    excellent mrs. g! lol

  • 6

    Comment by texasgurl

    16.10.2007 @ 19:23 pm

    oh, girl, you are absolutely a writer. lovely blog–found you on nablopomo.

  • 7

    Comment by Jen

    16.10.2007 @ 20:39 pm

    awww, thanks for the flattery! and yup, getting geared up for nablopomo… eeep!

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