just say hello to the ground
running this morning, 9 miles, perfect weather, nearly done and feeling good…tree root reaches out and grabs the toe of my shoe…
bam! jen does a spectacular faceplant in the (thank god) dirt. there was some scary slow motion skidding towards a thick barrier post, but luckily friction stopped me before i smashed my head on it.
hands and knees now skinless, very dirty, very bloody. best running tights shredded (damn!). the only person who stopped to ask me if i was okay was an ambulance driver going past, who seemed very concerned, bless her.
long painful and humiliating walk all the way home. hot stinging bath to clean myself up.
and now i’m sitting here realising i landed on my knees harder than i first thought, as they are well bruised and aching like a mutherf*cker. no run for me tomorrow then. scabs and scars.
just need to dust off my pride now.
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Comment by Vol Abroad
25.09.2007 @ 11:57 am
Comment by Stacey
25.09.2007 @ 15:33 pm
The frickin’ London pavement! It’s *evil* I tell you!
Comment by Jen
25.09.2007 @ 20:55 pm
i wish i could blame it on the pavement, but i was actually running on a dirt path alongside the road. thank god too, because pavement woulda been reeeeaaalllyy nasty.
Comment by nikoline
26.09.2007 @ 06:51 am
ah, tree roots are a sneaky sort. wishing you a quick healing!