exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

because sooner or later, everyone stops smoking

by Jen at 12:10 am on 5.07.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

Kid #3: My Mommy says smoking kills.
Nick Naylor: Oh, is your Mommy a doctor?
Kid #3: No.
Nick Naylor: A scientific researcher of some kind?
Kid #3: No.
Nick Naylor: Well then she’s hardly a credible expert, is she?

“thank you for smoking”

2 years nicotine free today. i admit, i’m really proud of myself. having once been quit for 7 years before and fallen right back into a pack-a-day habit, i was afraid i’d never really be able to quit permanently (again).

and now i know i have. my name jen, and i am an ex-smoker.

(and also: j is six months smoke free… and a lot nicer to kiss these days ) )

ben lee – cigarettes will kill you

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raised on promises

by Jen at 1:18 pm on 4.07.2007Comments Off
filed under: holidaze

happy 4th of july to everyone back in the u.s. of a.!

reprising my post from last year in cambodia:

there’s nothing like being an expat to make you appreciate some of the better characteristics of your country of origin. as disillusioned as i can be about my government at times, living in the u.k. has given me a greater appreciation for the freedoms enshrined in the constitution and the bill of rights. sounds corny, but it’s true. those things are guaranteed almost nowhere else in the world, and i think you take them for granted until you suddenly find yourself without them.

enjoy, y’all. i may not be patriotic, but i do understand just how very lucky i am.

tom petty – american girl

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where is the lion in you to defy him?

by Jen at 6:44 pm on 3.07.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: rant and rage

The laws which restrict the right to demonstrate in Parliament Square need to be changed, Gordon Brown has said.

A 2005 law created an “exclusion zone” inside which all protests required police permission. Critics say it curbs the right to spontaneous protest.

It was partly a response to anti-war protester Brian Haw, whose round-the-clock vigil in Parliament Square, using placards and loudspeakers had annoyed MPs and peers.

The Home Office has also said the law was necessary for security reasons – it had been argued that a bomb could be left beneath Mr Haw’s signs.

But while Mr Haw remains in the square, having been granted police permission for a reduced protest, many other unauthorised, peaceful, protests have been broken up.

The restrictions have been heavily criticised and the subject of several unauthorised protests themselves.

In January Lib Dem Baroness Miller said the 2005 Act had had a “chilling” effect on demonstrations, as many people believed they were totally banned.

i’ve written here before about brian haw. i find it astounding that he has managed to out-last those who would try to silence him.

i’ve been increasingly uneasy living in a country where i do not feel free to protest – not only because of the above, but also because until very recently i was subject to immigration restrictions, and not least because if i were to be arrested for any reason, i would have my dna put on the database. and it seems there is more and more every day that i want to protest about.

still, this can only be a good thing.

kaiser chiefs – i predict a riot

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and just as quickly, it’s over

by Jen at 5:36 pm on | 2 Comments
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

i finally get my wish – great bolts crack the sky wide open, shaking the doldrums loose, hailing down the wrath of nature.

it’s fantastic.

“a symphony orchestra.
there is a thunderstorm,
they are playing a Wagner overture
and the people leave their seats under the trees
and run inside to the pavilion
the women giggling, the men pretending calm,
wet cigarettes being thrown away,
Wagner plays on, and then they are all under the
pavilion. the birds even come in from the trees
and enter the pavilion and then it is the Hungarian
Rhapsody #2 by Lizst, and it still rains, but look,
one man sits alone in the rain
listening. the audience notices him. they turn
and look. the orchestra goes about its
business. the man sits in the night in the rain,
listening. there is something wrong with him,
isn’t there?
he came to hear the

“rain” – charles bukowski

anglofille has some gorgeous photos of the storm


hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

by Jen at 10:40 pm on 2.07.2007 | 1 Comment
filed under: family and friends

went to a birthday party for amity this saturday.

went to dinner at nicole’s this sunday.

the connection? i originally got to know both of them through the internets. as i did with my friends andy and stacey.

if you’d told me ten years ago that i would have a whole group of friends that i got to know via computer before i ever met them in real life, i would never have believed it.

and you know, it only sounded a *little* bit weird explaining it to people this weekend…

it’s a wild world we live in, this 21st century.

bad religion – 21st century digital boy

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