should know better by now
hung out with kim and andy last night, having dinner and drinks. we ordered in scrummy sushi for dinner – and that, right there, is one of the reasons i will always be a city girl. i mean fresh sushi arriving at your doorstep in 20 minutes? life just doesn’t get much better than that, and i don’t think i want to live in a world where there is no sushi delivery. it would be bleak and devoid of meaning.
seems we always tend to overindulge when hanging out with them, as our drinks are always kept refilled and cold bottles of beer arrive in front of you, as if by magic. i was trying ever so hard to be good, as i knew i was scheduled to go for a long run this morning. but then there was this shot of tequila handed to me…
so i shouldn’t have been surprised to wake up with a migraine at 7 am. by 11, after 8 ibuprofen, 2 paracetamol with codeine, and a healthy dose of procrastination, i headed out the door.
running is the best hangover cure i’ve ever found, but it is still a special hell unto itself. i slogged through 12.5 miles, and managed to purge the alcohol from my system, but arrived back home wrung out and dehydrated, and ravenous. one of the things about running distances is that you’re starving and parched when you’re done, but the *last* thing you should do is eat or drink large quantities of anything. your stomach shrinks when you’re running, as your body diverts blood to more important areas, (like the heart and lungs) so eating or drinking too soon after will make you physically ill.
which is exactly what i managed to forget. so after having a bagel and a large glass of juice, i was in agony, and ended up vomiting it right back up. which brought back my headache. and spent the next couple of hours on the couch, writhing and seeing stars.
good times, good times. i blame kim and andy
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Comment by kim
29.07.2007 @ 20:41 pm
And here I was ready to blame you and J but then again, my over indulgence from cava to the shot of tequila to red wine really may have been the cause!
Although it was a painful day for you, at least all the alcohol is gone!
Comment by Jen
29.07.2007 @ 23:13 pm
i say we both blame andy