the water didn’t realise its dangerous size
my siblings have been checking in on me the past day or so, wondering about the extensive flooding and making sure i’m okay.
fortunately, the extent of my inconvenience has been having my tube station temporarily closed for a few hours the other day. i live in a large block of flats on the 4th floor (5th for you americans) so we’re high and dry. but our friends were not so lucky, with their whole back garden and half their street submerged.
when i was in high school, i was hanging out at my friend nathaly’s house after school on afternoon when there were flash floods. nathaly’s house was next to the brook which ran through the lowest area of an otherwise very hilly city. as the water began rising to the top of her basement, we were rather scared, not knowing what to do. and then the floods ended as quickly as they had begun, leaving her backyard under enough water to submerge the fencing separating her property from the neighbours. eventually my dad came by with a canoe, and we canoed around her whole street, laughing at the lunacy of it all. unfortunately it turned out that her oil heater in the basement had tipped over, making her house uninhabitable for weeks and ruining a lot of personal effects. no longer very funny.
since then i’ve had a whole new respect for floods.
these poor people in gloucestershire have had a whole world of water
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Comment by vanessa
27.07.2007 @ 01:30 am
I live under a rock. I had no clue.
glad you are ok
Comment by mum
1.08.2007 @ 02:56 am
I thought most of the flooding was outside of London! So I was blissfully unworried about you!
Comment by Thomas Foolery
2.08.2007 @ 14:26 pm
Your mum sounds hot too.
Comment by Jen
2.08.2007 @ 14:54 pm
jeebus a!!
this is my blog, not a stall in a men’s restroom! go comment on my family’s hotness (which, btw, i’m not disputing
) at yer own blog!
Comment by Thomas Foolery
2.08.2007 @ 15:30 pm
What? So I came to the wrong place for a “good buick”?
Besides, rest assured, I never comment about your family in the men’s restroom. I hope that’s not what you’re advocating.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
2.08.2007 @ 15:38 pm
…besides, it’s lonely over at *my* blog and there are never any good posts. This is much more fun.