exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

living vicariously on better authority

by Jen at 9:39 pm on 12.07.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

since we moved into this flat with no possessions, up until now we’ve been using our friend’s television on indefinite loan. modestly sized, unobtrusive, not the focal point of the room. i really liked it.

now, however, we have to give it back. and honestly? there are a lot of things i’d want to spend £250 on, but a television isn’t one of them. so, like the cheapskates we are, we went second-hand shopping. j nearly peed himself with excitement when we came across an ad for a widescreen tv for £50.

and now *this* monstrosity is sitting in our living room, much to my chagrin.

let’s just say i don’t think i’ll need to perform any sexual favours from now until the end of the year.

the arcade fire – (antichrist television blues)

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  • 1

    Comment by Amity

    12.07.2007 @ 22:46 pm

    I have a monstrosity tv too.

    Those things pay for themselves in time saved stroking the male ego.

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    12.07.2007 @ 23:06 pm

    “Those things pay for themselves in time saved stroking the male ego.”

    oh, thank *god*. because that think is fugly. big, obnoxious and fugly.

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