exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

i cross the streets without fear

by Jen at 11:58 pm on 30.06.2007Comments Off
filed under: londonlife

well, now. this is just getting altogether too annoying.

i was at a birthday party this evening when it all came on the news. and of course, we all immediately started taking the piss – because, i mean… what else are you going to do? there is nothing *to* do. nothing you change about the way you live will change this reality. and so, we all kept joking and drinking and a girl left the party early to go pack for her scheduled holiday flight for tomorrow morning.

life just keeps going on, even when everything is exploding around you. something londoners (through the blitz, through the i.r.a. years, through the tube attacks and recent bombings/attempted bombings) have known for a long time, but which i now feel i truly understand.

Cibelle w/ Devendra Banhart – London, London

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