exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

pretend it’s television, where the good guys always win

by Jen at 5:48 pm on 29.06.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: londonlife

i suppose i should mention the little wannabe suicide car bomb we had here in london - except that tackling that topic seems so tremendously tiring right about now. blah blah blah, al qaeda, blah blah blah, terrorism, blah blah blah, high alert.

a former expat reported that in her workplace, where there are little televisions which scroll news blurbs, it was summarised this way:

“US officials are closely watching a London car bomb situation but have determined that it will not impact the US.”


ted leo and the pharmacists – bomb.repeat.bomb (yes, i know it’s crass. whatever.)

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MTA; well now, even though i kept checking in on this story all day, it turns out it was actually *2* car bombs, which i didn’t hear about until late this evening. eh. one, two, a dozen… it’s all the same. and of course, cctv will help them catch the evil-doers.

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    Comment by Thomas Foolery

    29.06.2007 @ 18:21 pm

    Small point, I don’t think there was any attempted suicide involved.

    Funny, around me today, nobody seemed to care at all. An email I sent to AS:

    I went out to lunch today with about a dozen workmates. I don’t recall last night’s attempted bombing coming up in conversation.

    It would seem that we “ain’t bothered”.


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    Comment by Jen

    29.06.2007 @ 18:29 pm

    ah, that’s what i’d read this morning – that they were meant to be suicide bombers but they crashed the car then fled the scene.

    there’s also speculation that that wasn’t their intended target either.

    who knows? who cares?

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