see? i’m not as crazy as i sound
i know i go on and on about erosion of privacy issues. but finally: proof i’m not alone in my google-paranoia!
Most people missed the announcement about how Google wants to burrow inside your brain and capture your most intimate thoughts. That’s because it never happened.
But Google, the world leader in Web search services, is the focus of mounting paranoia over the scope of its powers as it expands into new advertising formats from online video to radio and TV, while creating dozens of new Internet services.
As people spend more time online and realize just how much information Google is collecting about their habits and interests, the fear develops that true or false revelations of the most personal, embarrassing or even intrusive kind are no more than a Web search away.
…Also last month, Google took a big step to unify its different categories of Internet search — for images, news, books, Web sites, local information, video — in one service.
Unified Search offers no information not already available on Google, but by putting it all in one place, it is turning up sometimes disconcerting links between previously unconnected types of data.
…New rules are needed to fend off governments which might try to force companies to divulge customer data, Google argues. It fought off just such a court request by U.S. authorities last year and argues that for the limited purposes it keeps customers’ data, it is a reliable custodian.
samiam – search and destroy (stooges cover)
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