they’ve always got a pound to buy their round
second most expensive city in the world? london. i’ve never experienced king-of-the-mountain moscow, but i’ve visited a few of the top 50 and wholeheartedly agree with the assessment. hell, i live here and sometimes *i* don’t know how i afford it.
i also have the unique experience of having lived in the cheapest city on the list: asuncion, paraguay. talk about a study in contrasts.
related anecdote: asuncion is the friendliest place i’ve been and conversely, london is the least friendly.
(these lists seem to come out every few weeks, and each uses its own arbitrary criteria… but i trust this one, because it uses nyc as its benchmark – a place where i’ve often said you have to be either young and stupid, or old and rich to move to.)
yes, i’ve just revealed my shameful secret love of hall and oates. go ahead: mock me. i don’t care.
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Comment by Anglofille
19.06.2007 @ 21:02 pm
London less friendly than Boston? I beg to differ!
Comment by Jen
19.06.2007 @ 21:22 pm
really? i think london is way less friendly than boston. go figure!
Comment by Anglofille
19.06.2007 @ 21:59 pm
I moved to New England as an adult…and found the people to be very cold and stand-offish. Not just in Boston, but all over the region.
Still, I agree that Londoners are not as friendly and polite as their reputation leads people to believe. Not at all!!!
Comment by kim
23.06.2007 @ 18:52 pm
Bostonians are not friendly in general. It’s a population where people barely smile and the majority of people, when out for a walk on a hot day or a truly cold day all look the same, unhappy or miserable. The region, as a whole is not a group of friendly people and while London may not totally live up to its reputation, the folks here are by far more friendly then those in Boston or regions surrounding it.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
25.06.2007 @ 16:29 pm
Everybody in this thread has lived in both cities. So we’re probably not good judges, as we’re all miserable bastards by now, too.
Everything sucks!
Comment by Jen
25.06.2007 @ 21:24 pm
maybe growing up in boston i just feel more comfortable there. but i really don’t find london friendly at all. not that i expected to (being a big city).
we’re all miserable bastards by now
hear, hear!