matches and kerosene
my dad was here for a long weekend visit.
i love him. of course i do – how could i not? but we have a hard time not hurting each other. i wish i knew why, so i could fix it. i wish we could talk without land mines. i wish our conversations were not fraught with the barbed unsaid, the sharp edges sidestepped, the little bruises we inflict in our fumbling attempts to communicate. it’s death by a thousand papercuts.
still: we keep trying, the pull of halves trying to make themselves whole. the father/daughter connection crashing headlong against the walls of our hearts. and maybe all family relationships are like that. trying and struggling for recognition, acceptance in spite of the pain – the kind of ache that only someone who knows you as part of themselves, can cause. maybe the love that comes after is the exceptional bit.
but there is love.
a few photos – more here.

guided by voices – hold on hope
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Comment by Stacey
19.03.2007 @ 15:59 pm
This is totally off-topic, but your dad is very handsome and looks like he might be a secret agent. Is it possible any communication issues might be related to his need to maintain his “cover” for your own protection?
Comment by Jen
19.03.2007 @ 21:30 pm
that’s the explanation i’ve been needing!