one down, two to go
well, part one of my three-part plan for world domination citizenship in under two weeks is complete. i am now a bona fide permanent resident. everything else from this point out is optional.
of course, they did have to make me sweat. apparently my previous immigration snafu was never “closed out” of the system, which meant a long and anxious 6 hour wait before getting my precious clearance. argh. but finally i have my passport back in my hands, with the lovely word “indefinite” stamped in it.
no time to relax and celebrate though – dad arrives tonight!!
(and i’m *dying* to post about the newest proposition to put litterers on the dna database… but that will have to wait for another time.)
song of the day: qr5 – the easiest lines
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Comment by Abigail
15.03.2007 @ 23:53 pm
Oh, you must be so relieved (and that word looks so wrong it is not even funny – forgive me if I’ve spelled it wrong)! Congrats
Sorry they kept you waiting!!
Comment by kim
16.03.2007 @ 08:16 am
WOO! WOO! Congratulations! Well Done!
Comment by Nicole
16.03.2007 @ 08:48 am
Congrats! You’ll need to tell me about the test.
Comment by Thomas Foolery
16.03.2007 @ 11:04 am
Good for you stinkypants.
Comment by gigi
16.03.2007 @ 13:48 pm
Yay! I bet that is a massive relief! Enjoy your visit with your dad.