exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

the revolution will not be televised

by Jen at 5:26 pm on 9.03.2007Comments Off
filed under: mutterings and musings

it’s a friday afternoon and bernie and i are once again walking along the windy river, the sun peeking out between the spitting clouds. and after getting our friday work moan out of the way, we embark upon the topic of socialism, as we are wont to – me arguing that human nature is inherently greedy, and that this is antithetical to the notion of collective resources and collective power, making pure socialsm impossible. she arguing that darwinism may be a biological imperative for animals without social responsibility, but that nurture can override nature, if enough people are indoctrinated with the belief in self-sacrifice for the greater good. me: now that i’ve had some first hand experience of “socialist” countries, i’m even more convinced that communism as a theorised transitional model is far too easily manipulated to the will of dictators and oppressors – thus the lack of truly communal societies. she: marxism as the ideal remains a viable alternative which can not be disproven because it’s never been implemented – therefore we must continue to fight the good fight.

it’s a conversation we’ve had millions of times, on walks, over pints – both of us knowing that neither of us will be swayed. but that doesn’t stop us from trying, albeit with a healthy dose of respect and recognition that we’re both women who know our own minds. and though i never tell her so, i like that she continually tries to draft me for her team. i’m secretly pleased she thinks i’m worth the effort, in spite of my dour outlook. i find her faith in the ideal inspiring – as a middle aged mother, she’s still politically active, ideologically ambitious, committed to her version of a just world. and her arguments challenge me to support my own – examine what i believe to be true and evidence it. the way good debate always should.

in the end, i admire her optimism in the face of cruel, crass reality – the kind that’s long since turned me into a hardened cynic. i love the fact that she thinks we’re capable of more change than i give us credit for. i love that in bernie’s world, people are generous of spirit, each buoying each other so that everyone stays afloat.

it’s a nice world, and i’m glad someone lives in it – even if i can’t. and if bernie has her way, someday we all will.

song of the day:the beatles – revolution #1

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