i didn’t think this was supposed to happen after the age of ten
i have an eye infection. blech.
i am loathe to call it “conjunctivitis” because it sounds about as nice as saying i’ve got leprosy. but my left eye is swollen and painful and bright red and yucky. as my friend stacey would say, i feel *pretty*.
and so i’m sitting at home today. i felt kinda lame calling in sick for an eye infection, but no one likes to share a computer keyboard with the office leper. plus, it hurts. i can’t even put my contact lenses in, so i am sitting here in my ancient 5-prescriptions-too-weak glasses, squinting at the screen from 6 inches away through my bleary, smeary eye and getting a massive headache.
j, of course, thinks it’s hilarious. and i can’t stop touching my stupid eye.
aren’t you supposed to outgrow this kind of thing along with babyfat and security blankets? i thought so.
song of the day: matisyahu – close my eyes
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Comment by Stacey
27.02.2007 @ 20:14 pm
stop touching your stupid eye!!!
Comment by Stacey
27.02.2007 @ 20:15 pm
hey, look, i *can* comment. gloves are off, lady!
Comment by Jen
27.02.2007 @ 20:15 pm
awww. thanks love – otherwise i might’ve kept touching my stupid eye!
Comment by Jen
27.02.2007 @ 20:16 pm
you’re drunk with power!