exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london


by Jen at 8:19 pm on 23.02.2007 | 2 Comments
filed under: blurblets, mundane mayhem

after i got home from work this evening, i changed out of my work clothes and went for a long run in the cool dark air.

got back and watched my favourite t.v. show, “masterchef” while stretching.

took a long hot shower and got into pyjamas.

had a big bowl of pasta and a large glass of red wine.

it’s 8:00.

life is good.

song of the  day: the cure – friday, i’m in love

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  • 1

    Comment by kim

    24.02.2007 @ 08:50 am

    sounds like a brilliant Friday night! p.s. you even have me catching a glimpse or two of master chef now.

  • 2

    Comment by Avril

    26.02.2007 @ 14:37 pm

    You’re great.

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