please be good to the ellies
i’ve always had an incredible affinity for elephants. i don’t know why, but it’s been a recurrent theme for me for many years. if ever there was a totem animal that reflects me, the elephant is it. and it was probably the highlight of my year when in thailand i finally got to experience some incredible close-up-and-personal time with the ellies, alongside people who love and respect them.
which is why i can’t stand to see people riding them like common donkeys, or hitting them with sticks, or parading them through the streets with chains around their legs. it just hurts my heart – i can’t look. (and if you want to know how elephants are tamed, google “phaajaan” or [if you have a strong stomach] see the sickening video here.) in the countries which purport to revere them most, they are cruelly manipulated to fill the demands of the ignorant tourist industry.
so a little part of me rejoices when they finally fight back, when they refuse to play polo and perform tricks like circus animals.
but sadly, i also know that it only reinforces the idea that they are dangerous creatures who must be beaten into submission. for every elephant that gets angry and breaks free, more are horribly abused.
and it kills me to feel so helpless to stop it.
song of the day: the be good tanyas – in spite of all the damage
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Comment by amity
17.02.2007 @ 07:36 am
sickening. leave the poor ellies alone! they’re not show ponies.
Comment by Nicole
17.02.2007 @ 11:02 am
yeah- I thought of you when I heard about this story.