the universe speaks through the internet
yes. this.
As for your question: what am I going to do with my life? I must say (emphasis on the must) that this is a question I ask myself all the time. “What am I going to *DO* with my life?”
As if I were not already doing *IT*. I mean, does the part of life-living that involves kissing/playing/suffering/caring/worrying/feeling exhilarated/then bored/then happy/then sad again… don’t we deserve to credit ourselves with all that? Isn’t *THIS*, and nothing more than this, what we know in our hearts will be flashing before us when our bodies give out and the final curtain comes down?
When I ask myself the “DO” question and start feeling depressed I “do” this:
I imagine a world without resumĂ©s, without virtual “professional success measuring sticks,” without people we know who are more or less accomplished in their careers. I imagine the peace of mind of feeling that I don’t have to do anything with my life except live passionately and with integrity. And then? What I “do” then is focus on the fact that *THAT* world–that ideal–already exists, but only if I want it to.
But–the question is–do I want that? Am I ready for the clicking realization that comes from clicking together my ruby slippers? Do I really want that ideal, that peace, that simplicity, that quiet-mindedness? Or do I value my ambitions above all that?
Think about it, Jen, if you are working for your *SELF* (and not for the recognition of others), does it really matter if it takes 9 or 19 or 90 years for the realization of your next big “project”? Don’t rush yourself! Be calm and quiet and serene. Never let the rush inhibit the free flow of all the magnificent creativity that everyone who knows you already knows you possess.
My advice to myself–which I share with you–is that the universe is *ALWAYS conspiring* to help you, Jen, even when it seems that quite the opposite is true. Allow yourself the time and space to get in synch with that universal jive or force or beat or whatever. If you quietly surrender to your creative intuition instead of trying to dictate to it, then you can’t go wrong.
song of the day: colin hay – overkill
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Comment by Avril
16.02.2007 @ 13:24 pm
I have regular thoughts, which mirror this piece. However, I never know if these are my true thoughts or avoidence tactics, as the ‘big’ goals are really scary and maybe I think I’ll fail.
I need therapy!!