exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

wife swap

by Jen at 8:51 pm on 29.01.2007 | 1 Comment
filed under: mundane mayhem

there’s an interesting little experiment that’s been taking place in our household these past ten days: jonno is cooking.

now jonno *can* cook, but rarely does. back when he was first wooing me, he used to make simple but tasty dinners for me all the time. but since the honeymoon ended, it’s just been a function of the division of labour in our relationship; i really enjoy cooking, and am halfway decent at it, so 99% of the time, i am head chef at chez nous. now, every once in a while j will bring home some ready made pasta, or a roasted chicken as a change of pace – but most nights, i take the time and effort to put together a fresh and healthy meal from scratch. and i don’t mind doing it, even when i’m tired or cranky, because j is usually very good about letting me know how much he appreciates it and it makes me happy.

about two weeks ago, however, he came home with a cheeky attitude that rubbed me the wrong way – a sense of expectation and entitlement that made me feel taken for granted. now i usually don’t mind doing the cooking or shopping – but it sure as hell ain’t my *job*. and it appeared that that point needed a little renewed emphasis.

so we’ve swapped roles for a while. j has the chore of planning and cooking healthy meals after a long day at work, and i spend my evenings relaxing and waiting to be served. so far his efforts have not been too bad – we’ve only had frozen fish and chips once, and steak and potatoes twice. there have been, however, several evenings of eerily familiar dishes resembling many of my trusty standbys. i suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so i should be pleased he likes my cooking enough to recreate it himself.

in the meantime, i’m just trying to enjoy this while it lasts, or until his repetoire is exhausted. all i can say is, it’s nice having a personal live in chef, and i’m beginning to realise just how good he really has it. and i only hope after this role-reversal experience, he comes to his senses and realises it too.

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    Comment by Abigail

    29.01.2007 @ 23:03 pm

    I’ve been wondering how the great cooking experiment is going ) Hope it continues to be a success!

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