exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

it’s that time of year again

by Jen at 10:25 pm on 23.01.2007Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

fringe benefit of being an expat? i don’t even have to *pretend* to care about the bloody “state of the union” address. in fact, i didn’t even know it was tonight until it was mentioned on this evening’s news.

ho hum – how friggen predictable. but wait! he’s going to mention global warming again!! yeah, because he was sooooo convincing about it last year. ::heavy sarcasm:: let’s just continue to alarm people without ever encouraging any actual change in our consumption lifestyles. that’ll save the planet.

at least in the u.s., he won’t have people telling him he shouldn’t fly anywhere on holidays anymore, like poor tony blair! apparently the second most powerful man in the world is supposed to just drive down to brighton beach, or summer in blackpool. george, on the other hand, could easily drive to his vacation ranch in texas – in his luxury armored SUV, of course.

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