exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

quick pointer

by Jen at 8:35 pm on 17.01.2007 | 1 Comment
filed under: blurblets

people have said I should link to the shortcut blog when I have a post up, so check the latest out here.

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    Comment by Avril

    18.01.2007 @ 14:58 pm

    I can take on everything that you say, but I find the transport system, in London, a good one. I haven’t lived anywhere other then the UK and so have nothing better to compare it with. I have, however, lived outside of London, where you have 2 buses a day. This is probably why I’m delighted with the current system. Just remebered, I hate the buses on the way home from work, but that’s more the people travelling on them.
    I love the Oyster card – Sorry. I pay £2 per day to travel around zones 2 and 3 on buses, tubes and trains as many times as I like.
    I’m majorly p’d off when it’s Friday,I’ve finished work, it’s raining and the Vicky is suspended.

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