as good as it gets
“as good as it gets” is on. i love this movie, and at the same time, it makes me a little sad. they filmed huge chunks of this on my old street in windsor terrace, park slope, brooklyn. in fact, we watched them film the early morning bakery scene at the next corner from our apartment building, and the bar scene at the pub across from our door. the outside scenes of helen hunts house were around the corner from us.
so it makes me incredibly nostalgic. i loved that neighbourhood, that apartment, more than anyplace else i’ve ever lived in my life. it’s what i still think of when i think of some of my happiest, most comforting moments. my park, my bagel place, my pizza joint, my movie theatre. that was *my* neighbourhood. that was *me*. it was a perfect fit, as good as it gets – and even 8 years later, i regret having moved away.
but at least i get to see it on t.v.

Comment by vanessa
28.11.2006 @ 14:28 pm
ooh. me miss NY something baaddd!
I lurve me some brooklyn too. I loved it when Bea lived there when I lived in Ma. We would go down for visits and I felt so alive.