turkey day with a twist
a bit of a different thanksgiving for us this year. in past years I’ve done a big thanksgiving dinner for as many family and friends as i can gather together. as our new flat is not yet kitted out for real cooking, and quite a bit smaller, this year we’re going to spend t-day at amity’s house instead, and then have a dinner later in the week with kim and andy. so even though i *know* amity will be the hostess-with-the-mostess and i’m so glad to be able to share in her generosity, it does feel a little strange this year.
and even more so because it’s been over a year since last seeing the folks back home. i’ll admit i’m a little homesick these holidays. but i’ll be thinking of everyone stateside, and know they’re thinking of me.
i’m often called upon to explain the traditional american holiday to people over here. and it’s interesting to talk about. it’s not religious, it’s not commercial – it’s the only “pure” holiday left. and no matter what the history books say, the essence of it boils down to this: it’s about people coming together, relying on each other to get through the hard times, and being thankful for those whose presence makes it all possible. usually that’s family and friends – and perhaps that why it’s an even more important celebration for those who find themselves far away.
so thank you to all those near and far who give me strength. those both here and there who are so important to my life. may you all feel as lucky as i do.
happy thanksgiving!

Comment by Nicole
23.11.2006 @ 23:01 pm
Happy Turkey Day!!
We need to meet up again soon–
Comment by Jen
23.11.2006 @ 23:29 pm
was thinking the same thing. will email you tomorrow.