exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

nuthin’ but love

by Jen at 9:26 pm on 24.03.2006 | 1 Comment
filed under: family and friends, photo

to kerryn and tracey… who’ve made the momentous decision to say "forever and ever".

all our love…always.
jen and jonno

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    Pingback by Jen’s Den of Iniquity » flyweight and fruit pies

    25.03.2006 @ 14:29 pm

    [...] then came home so that j and i could take kerryn out for celebratory drinks for his recent engagement. (the poor soul has had a “dry” few weeks [including his birthday!] due to extended antibiotic usage for his impacted wisdom teeth.) so kerryn, j and i went to our local up the street, which serves a delightful strawberry lambic (and if you’ve never had a belgian fruit lambic beer on a hot summer night, you’ve not lived – not that list night was hot, or summer, but after three glasses of wine, who needs any excuses for fruit beer?) and I had two pints of that. [...]

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