fun with video
Grasping at straws: Samuel L. Jackson stars in "Snakes on a Plane". No, I’m not making that up. View the trailer here. Sam, sam, sam… what happened??! I remember when you used to, like star in *good movies* and shit. Your cool quotient just hit the toilet dude. The movie isn’t even out and already it’s spawning spoofs. That does not bode well.
South Park goes after scientology again in it’s newest season premier. For those of you who heard about how Tom Cruise tried to kill the South Park scientology episode… I have the episode in question, featuring R. Kelly singing "tom cruise please just come out of the closet". Now I would never do anything as naughty as pass this along (unless you asked really, really nicely). That would be wrong, not to mention prolly bring a lawsuit down on my ass. But, you could always watch it here. That’s the power of the internet, my friends. Now I’m sure mr. cruise will *try* to find a way to sue the entire internet. But until he does, avail yourself of the the miracle of technology.
Finally, a little hit of feel good: if you like juggling (and who doesn’t like juggling?) and you like the beatles (and who doesn’t like the beatles?) check out the two great tastes that taste great together. truly talented – the guy gotz mad skillz.