lovelovelove “my name is earl”. since j and i rarely venture out of the house anymore, we are always parked in front of the telly at 10pm on friday evenings, eagerly awaiting that week’s riotous installment with our cup of tea and pudding.
(for anyone jealous of our upcoming trip, i present this example as evidence of how sad our social life has become: a half hour television show is one of the highlights of our week. the sacrifices we make!)
and yeah, we’re behind the times over here, so I’m late to this party, since it’s already a big hit in the states, but the dialogue is priceless. some of my favourite quotes:
Darnell: I’m already registered to vote.
Joy: What?
Darnell: Not that it matters, because until we reform the electoral college, the popular votes will be ignored, and we’ll keep electing Presidents that only get a minority of the vote.
Joy: That must be some black stuff. I don’t know what he’s talkin’ about
Joy: Woo, this things making me sweat like a whore in church, no offense, Patty.
Patty: None taken. I don’t go to church.
Earl: (on his fabricated stint in Iraq) Well, Buzz, it’s a lot like the beach. Except the sharks have guns, and they’re running around on the sand, shootin’ at you and yellin’ in a fish language you don’t understand.
Joy: I want half that lotto money, Earl.
Earl: Yeah? Well, I wanted a legitimate baby and a wife who didn’t huff paint on Thanksgiving, but I guess life’s full of little disappointments, now ain’t it?
You can’t buy that kind of bellylaugh. brilliant.

Comment by k
11.03.2006 @ 22:03 pm
Here! Here! I was going to write about the same thing tonight. Love My Name is Earl. Great humour. Great writing. Much better than the usual rubbish REALITY TV that you can’t seem to get away with here.
Comment by k
11.03.2006 @ 22:04 pm
oops, meant get away from…
Comment by Jonno
24.03.2006 @ 13:28 pm
My 2 favourite Earl quotes have to be:
Earl: Ain’t no use running, fool! I know where your momma parks your house!
Randy: Are you sure you wanna get Grandpa’s coo-coo clock back? That thing almost put my eye out.
Earl: Well you shouldn’t have been so close, you knew what time it was.
-Cracks me up-