premature pancakes
Happy Mardi Gras to all!
Here it’s celebrated as Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Tuesday. Everyone has pancakes for dinner – something about the tradition of using up the lard and flour, though why you’re not allowed flour during lent, I have no idea. What they call pancakes here in the UK are what Americans think of as filled crepes, but I still think it’s cool to make fluffy stacked pancakes.
Funny story. In the run-up to Pancake Tuesday, you see a lot of syrup and baking mixes in the shops – not usually all that common, otherwise. A visual reminder of the impending holiday. So *LAST* Tuesday, I was in the shop and saw some real maple syrup on sale, thought “oh, pancake tuesday!”, brought it home, whipped up the last of my Jiffy mix (from a care package), and we had a short stack ofAmerican style pancakes for dinner. Only on wednesday, when watching telly, did I see a jamie oliver advert saying “don’t forget pancake tuesday on 28th february” (the subtext of which was “and please buy my frying pan to make your pancakes in”), did I realise I’d got the date wrong. good lapsed catholic that I am, i never even bothered checking a calendar.
So I thought the whole anecdote amusingly ditzy, and I was relaying my goofy little tale about my funny mistake to my work colleague, and turns out *she’d done the exact same thing*, right down to the frying-pan-advert-dawning-of-realisation.
So tonight, we went with jambalaya instead.

Comment by Nicole
1.03.2006 @ 11:21 am
I didn’t know about the pancakes until last night. Next year! My flat mate and I just ate a big dinner and drank a bottle and half of wine each. . .
Comment by Jen
1.03.2006 @ 12:27 pm
ahhh, overindulging is the *essence* of mardi gras. so i’d say you got it right on the money