exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

all apologies

by Jen at 11:50 pm on 22.02.2006 | 2 Comments
filed under: mundane mayhem

i’m feeling really burned today. i sat down to write, and my mind was a blank. the creative juice was squeezed, no rage, no flame of passion, no inspiration. writer’s block is what i’d call it if i called myself a writer. but it’s deeper than that. it’s only the itch which is the symptom, not the disease. really, i’m just burned out on everything. burned on work. burned on this city. burned on writing. burned on reading. i wake up tired and come home feeling tired-er. i’m even burned on daydreaming, because it just makes the days seem longer, though i’m not quite sure how that’s even possible. i can’t even summon the energy to feign interest in the things i’m supposed to be interested in.

i’m too through. i’m phoning it in. going through the motions. all style, no substance. the lights are off and no one is home. elvis has left the building.

i just want o-u-t. out of this job/city/lease/lifestyle. i want to go where my umbrella doesn’t break on the rainy days, where urban life is not assaulting me from all sides, where i don’t have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to fight my way onto the tube, to get to a job i don’t want to go to, to earn enough money to get to work tomorrow. lather, rinse, repeat.

so it’s my long winded way of saying sorry today’s blog is not more interesting. please forgive my temporary lack of sanity. tune in again tomorrow.



  • 1

    Comment by Nicole

    23.02.2006 @ 17:15 pm

    I’m sorry you’re blue. Go to odd bins and get a bottle of red, order take away, sit back and watch really bad reality television.

    Unless you think that will make you feel worse. . .

  • 2

    Comment by Jen

    23.02.2006 @ 17:33 pm

    awww, thanks. I actually think i might be coming down with a touch of something which is making me feel really run down.

    still, I like your suggestion! )

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