exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

idiotic i.d. initiative

by Jen at 9:06 pm on 15.02.2006Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

i was going to blog this yesterday, but with all the warm fuzzies, from v-day, i just couldn’t work up a proper rage… but it’s a day later andi.d. cards are nearly a done deal

given how I feel about oyster cards, i’m sure you can reliably predict my stance on this. the fact is that ID cards will only make people safer if they actually say “terrorist” on them. if they can reliably identify who terrorists are (*not* who your average law abiding citizen is) then they will be worth their weight in gold.

But they’ll be utterly and completely worthless the minute someone has the time/money/energy to counterfeit them. Which should be… oh, any day now. I would venture a guess that most terrorists find falsifying identification child’s play.

What an invasion of privacy. What a massive waste of taxpayer money. Even if you accept the government’s proclaimed premise, their own pilot schemes failed miserably. and the truth is that this is much more about a backdoor attempt to control money laundering and illegal immigration than anything else, but they’re playing the “security card” in order to force it down the public’s throat with the least resistance. because many people would very likely protest something that was introduced to crack down on the influx of poor minorities from underdeveloped countries (or even workers from new eu member states that xenophobes claim are taking away british jobs), but really, who’s going to oppose a measure which promises to make everyone safer after last summer’s terrorist attacks?

it’s an expensive farce of an intiative that’s doomed to fail before it even begins. but what else do you expect these days?

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