exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

words don’t kill people, boots do

by Jen at 8:13 pm on 7.02.2006Comments Off
filed under: rant and rage

this is why the "inciting racial hatred" laws in this country are such bullshit – i’ve been watching a series on chinese immigrants to this country, and this particular episode focuses on three takeaway owners.

their shops are continually vandalised – locks broken, windows smashed.  they have abuse hurled at them day in and day out.  the police do nothing in response to their calls.  a group of youths came into one shop and *shat* on the floor.

and finally, one poor shopkeeper was beaten to death.  his head kicked in by teenage yobs.  

laws like this "racial hatred bill" lull us into a false sense of security – they don’t stop the festering endemic of racism and xenophobia.  this is not about "having regard to all the circumstances, the words, behaviour or material are (or is) likely to be heard or seen by any person in whom they are (or it is) likely to stir up racial or religious hatred."  This is about loathing someone of a different background enough to kill them. 

they didn’t walk around with placards, saying they were going to kill him because he was chinese.  they didn’t write anti-asian slogans on the wall whille they were breaking his shop windows.  they just stomped his brains in because they didn’t like him.

their words didn’t kill him. their boots did.  the "racial hatred" laws would have been powerless to save this mans life.

until there’s a law against murder, they can’t stop this from happening.

oh wait – there already is. 

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