exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

blog ambition

by Jen at 10:06 pm on 28.01.2006Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

ugh. sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. i spent the greater portion of today trying to install a php gallery application for all my photos. when i initially set up my website, i didn’t really know what the hell i was doing (although not much has changed there – i’m still just winging it) and consequently most of my initial photos and album pages were set up pell-mell. the organisational structure of my site sucks, and it’s been bothering me for ages. so i finally figured the best thing to do with all my current photos (and for all the photos soon to come) would be to move them all to a photo subdomain, and sort them out there. then i could integrate the individual directories with each appropriate blog (the regular one and the rtw one i’m setting up), yet they’d all be in the same place following the same heirarchy.

and theoretically it’s a great idea. found some great php photo gallery applications which should have allowed me to do that perfectly. i spent ages installing one… only to find that it won’t work because my stupid web host has decided to implement “php safe mode”. which essentially is a foolish and ineffectual way to solve the shared server security dilemma. since i don’t host my own site (something which is looking more and more appealing!) i have no control over this. and it basically means (i think, after extensive reading) that i can’t run a program in one subdomain and have it use or write information in another subdomain. anything i want to set up in “photos” has to stay in “photos” – there’s no way to integrate it with the blog in “www” or the one in “worldtour”.

Bloody hell. I wish I’d never had cause to know most of this. My problem is that I can never leave well enough alone. Even though no one can see the messiness behind the scenes, I can. And it *bothers* me. And I want this to be something I do properly, so I don’t have to mess with it later. I just want something that looks nice and clean and tidy. My other problem is that i ambitiously attempt things well beyond the scope of my current abilities, then just plug away at it, futzing and reading and futzing some more, until i manage to get something half-assed in place. i should stick to the simple stuff, and i’d be a much happier girl.

< *sigh*>

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