exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

serving up a big fat plate of… nuthin

by Jen at 8:06 pm on 23.01.2006Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

argh – you know, with the amount of money i pay per month, it would be nice if i could reliably access my own website from my isp. we actually have 2 different connections at our house – one’s
a bt line, the other is wanadoo. And i will refrain from telling you what I wanadoo to them. We recently got upgraded to an 8mg line (in theory, anyway) which has solved a few of the problems. But more often than not, i can’t log onto anything having to do with jnoelbell.me.uk.

However this evening the problem seems to be server related, as i can’t access it from either connection. this is the second time in a month that my site has been down – pretty friggin annoying considering that i just renewed my contract. it’s just too big a pain in the ass to migrate all my stuff but i cannot express how annoying it is to feel like you’re paying a lot and getting very little. their customer service bites, to boot.

so i will send this email out into the ether and see what happens…

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