good on google
Good lord. just when i think i’ve run out of things to be simltaneously furious and paranoid about: the federal gov’t tries to subpoena google search records.
what the fuckety fuck fuck??? how on god’s green earth can it be at all legal to randomly accumulate massive amounts of information on perfectly innocent citizens?!
urgh – there are not enough expletives and exclamation marks in the world. scarier still, is that “Google’s main competitors have complied with the White House subpoena, according to the court papers. “
Now I don’t pretend to believe for a second that google has done this out of anything other than pure self interests (namely advertising and marketing dollars). but still, good on them and their “don’t be evil” slogan.
in other sad news, there’s a whale in the thames. had i only looked out my office window at the right time, I might have spotted it. hopefully it will make it’s way back to deep water. but strangely enough, apparently porpoises have been spotted eating fish by vauxhall bridge – as the weather turns warmer, I’ll have to be on the lookout!