i love ivanka
Lovelovelove the ipod. have named her ivanka.
yes, there are at least 9 things my ipod can’t do.
and i’ve yet to fully explore ipod video bittorrent stuff.
but i did put the tube and nyc subway maps on my ipod.
i’ve browsed through tonnes of podcasts.
i’ve shopped the accessories.
i’ve tried foreign language lessons, ebooks and recipes.
i will soon be downloading the second season of “lost” to take on the road.
but the best part of ivanka is how much happier i arrive at work in the mornings. no matter what kind of mood i wake up in, or what faces me as i walk in the office, i am a thousand times more relaxed and cheery by the time i get there. the only downside is how foolish i must look with all my involuntary humming, tapping and nodding.
but who the hell cares??