new stuff for a new year
talk of resolutions flying fast and thick. i don’t make new year resolutions. rather, I think of things I want to leave behind in the previous year. then i write them down, burn them, and let the wind carry the ashes away. that’s my little ritual, and it’s nice because i don’t have to feel guilty about anything i don’t achieve, but it provides a symbollic new start – i won’t write them here, because that would give them permanence (thus defeating the purpose) but i will say that as i get older, there are fewer things i feel the need to shed. either i’m getting more comfortable in my skin, or just getting lazier and less inclined to try to change. perhaps a bit of both.
new year’s eve was lovely – just a few friends chilling out at kim and andy’s place. i avoided red wine all evening, and felt fine when I woke up this morning (even after 5 glasses of bubbly, two tequila shooters and, what was pointed out to me, was a liter of beer). After being up for several hours, however, i once again developed a migraine, including all sorts of lovely green spots in front of my eyes. this is a very disturbing trend which could effectively spell the end of my drinking career, since if this is what’s going to happen every time, it’s just not worth it. really. kinda like when, after discovering my lactose intolerance, i had to swear off white russians, brown cows, eggnog, and anything with baileys or irish cream. difficult but necessary. life is just not fair.
what will 2006 bring?
“You’re antsy, an eager understudy waiting in the wings. Something wonderful and exciting is about to happen and you feel it. Though travel plans involve responsibility and planning, the rewards are karmic. You’ll get an inkling of that on May 13. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, marks the beginning of one of the best years of your entire life Make a decision Dec. 20. Then go out and enjoy the great ho! ho! ho! of your life.”
sounds promising. now the countdown begins in earnest – only 14 weeks left!