exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

grumpy gus and the judicial branch

by Jen at 8:01 pm on 24.10.2005Comments Off
filed under: mutterings and musings, rant and rage

and not very pleased! I am sooo sick and tired of being sick and tired in this country!! This has never happened to me in any other city i’ve ever lived in.

the upshot being… i’m cranky. guy fawkes day/bonfire night is coming up here, and people have been going nuts with the stoopid firecrackers for like two weeks now… enough!

lest this turn into (yet another) generalised malingering rant, here’s some interesting judicial linkage for ya:

how a staged sex crime fooled the supreme court

on a theme: the kansas supreme court has ruled that disease prevention does not justify longer jail sentences for gay than straight statutory rape.

in the face of an embarrassing nominee withdrawal, bush digs in his heels. because let’s face it – bush doesn’t do withdrawals, troop or nominee.

hokey dokey, that’s all for today folks. hopefully i’ll be a healthier, better blogger tomorrow.

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