exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london


by Jen at 12:40 pm on 19.10.2005 | 1 Comment
filed under: eclectica, mundane mayhem

whilst i’m “working from home”, i think it’s time for another peek at what tickles my funnybone these days…

in case you missed it, here’s jon stewart’s take on the avian flu threat. (I realise I have professed my love for jon stewart before here and here, but now that I can catch “the daily show”, well… daily, my crush has grown by leaps and bounds.) Some would say the bird flu is no laughing matter. But they would be wrong. the hype surrounding something which has killed 60 people in two years, is all just symptomatic of the dumbening of society – which makes it ripe for gut-busting humour.

[click pic to play]

Meanwhile, I admit I’m a late arrival to gofugyourself, but this has to be the funniest photo of britney spears i’ve ever seen in my life. and lord knows, the girl has had some *bad* photos. I’ve been laughing at the fuglyness all morning.

Ya know, *i* could look that bad. Hell, I _do_ look that bad. And I don’t have the benefit of several hundred million dollars and personal slaves. With all that money, you’d think she could hire someone to stop her from walking out the door looking like garbagewater.

and from wikipedia, a list of made up words from “the simpsons”, of which my current faves are:

jerkass: A combination of the words “jerk” and “jackass,” used by Homer, in the episode “The Joy of Sect.” This term is also used to describe Homer’s behavior during some recent seasons, primarily during seasons 10-12, and rising up briefly in season 16.

Sacrilicious: Homer’s description of his act of eating a waffle that Bart threw on the ceiling, which he was praying to as if it were God. A portmanteau of sacrilegious and delicious.

with so many craptacular words to choose from, I have decided to make it my personal mission to incorporate as many as possible into my everyday vocabulary. note the title of this post, by way of example.

now wasn’t that just groin-grabbingly transcendent?

p.s. – just noticed that my use of blockquotes seems to make my blogs slide off the left of the bottom of the blog page when viewed in i.e. How very peculiar. There’s just no way to win… grrrr.

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    Pingback by Jen’s Den of Iniquity » oscar homage

    4.03.2006 @ 18:18 pm

    [...] i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: we love jon stewart. as master of ceremonies this year, jon stewart should bring down the house. most everyone in america knows him well as the host of the political satire “the daily show”, a programme which has been gaining in popularity of late with it’s particularly pointed lampooning of the current administration. in keeping with the “gay oscars” theme this year, here’s his take on recent civil rights progress around the world. [...]

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