exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

you want baseball? we got ya baseball right heah.

by J at 4:21 pm on 23.09.2005Comments Off
filed under: this sporting life

T minus 10 days to the end of the regular season, which we end, fiitingly enough in a three game series against the skankees.

The sox, having held the lead in the AL east for the majority of the season, have hit an ill timed slump whilst the yankess have been on a ten game tear.

So the season will very likely be decided in dramatic showdown fashion. high noon at the ok corral.

does it get any better than this?

Here’s some sox blogs you may enjoy:

the joy of sox

boston dirt dogs

nesn’s eric wilbur

and finally –
3,079 Miles to Fenway, 3,448 miles to Yankee Stadium :The ongoing saga of a Red Sox fan from Edinburgh but living in the Big Apple and a Yankee fan from Portsmouth who has yet to grace the good ole US of A

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