exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

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by J at 4:21 pm on 23.09.2005Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem

Maria Full of Grace – about a young woman from Colombia who ends up becoming a drug mule. Good, sad with a slightly predictable ending, but overall I’d say 7/10. Plus, an opportunity to brush upon my spanish.

The Woodsman – Can I just say, whatever horrendous movies Kevin Bacon has been in, he redeems himself here. An incredibly brave performance as a paedophile – he actually makes you empathise, not with the child molestation aspect, but as someone who wants to be able to control/understand his urges, but is tormented by the fact that he can’t. Not for the faint of heart. I’d say 8/10.

Spanglish – Adam Sandler in another semi-serious/quirky role. A Mexican woman becomes a maid for an upscale family, and despite not being able to speak English, finds a soulmate in the husband (Sandler). This was a wierd one. I felt like some of the dialogue was really very good, and the acting was pretty decent. I wanted to like it more than I did. I think Tea Leoni (the wife) throws the film off a bit. It’s by James L. Brooks who did “As Good as it Gets” and “Jerry Maguire” Overall… 6/10.

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