exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

for piper

by J at 4:03 pm on 2.09.2005Comments Off
filed under: classic, family and friends

The Laws of Physics

You defy gravity
The inexorable pull of the world’s spinning
Has not yet creased your brow or
Settled its weight into your malleable bones
The earth spins on today
And leaves you unfettered

Asleep at the nuzzled breast
Peace smoothes your light cheek
Whispers formless dreams
In your shell ear
Bliss and milk
Wash away an easy tear
Beneath your wet lashes
a mist of knowing smile
swirls the corners of your mouth
You’re laughing at me
With your sly fearlessness

Fingertips precociously toying with air
Space and time stretch endless between them
Blushless toes dance an airy abandon
In time to a chorus of fluttering leaves
Pink oh! lips proclaim your arrival
The wind’s silent native tongue
Disguised as a soursoft yawn

Evening stars will fall
Your darkness holds no meaning
The sun will come again
You have no sadness at the daylight’s passing,
No quiet heartaches for unnamed longings
Restless yearning for the nebulous undefined
Fear to once again lay your desires bare to the jagged rocks
Of mundane disappointments and sharp shattered possibilities
You will feed your brave hopes every morning
And mourn their death on your pillow
But not tonight

Night stars will fall
A spangled curtain to signify the next act
The sun will come again
And there is no weariness in seeing it
Your shiny bouncing new sun.

The veil of memory dissolves like an early morning fog
And you will forget you once knew all this
You will become earthbound, a mortal subject to the laws of physics
Rain and granite and grass will claim you as their own treasure
But your toes will remember the dance, when they feel the trees echo
Long after you open
Your eyes.

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