kick you when you’re down
why is it when you’re hungover, the universe insists on torturing you with a flashback countdown of all the previous evening’s humiliating highlights *as* you are trying with every ounce of might *not* to lose your proverbial lunch?
Actually, I was not so much hungover, as in the throes of the worst migraine i’ve ever had in my life. I can make the distinction because it waited until *after* i’d had my restorative egg and bacon bagel sandwich miracle cure, and gone outside to catch a bit of sun, before it blindsided me. i went from feeling relatively okay, to violently wracked with pain in about 5 minutes flat. it was the strangest sensation – it hurt my head to have it lying still in any one position, but moving made my brain feel like one of those floating compasses with the spinning and bobbing bits inside. it felt like someone was overinflating my head, with this curious pressure radiating from the inside. i had goosebumps and sweats. my heart was palpitating and i was moaning out load. and of course, i was suddenly remembering every embarassing thing i’d done or said the night before. because thinking i was going to die just wasn’t bad enough.
as i spent an hour writhing around and clutching my skull, i started to get really scared, never having experienced such a strange kind of pain. when my hands started to tingle and my speech got fucked up, i started to think i was having a stroke.
and then, on the verge of asking jonno to take me to the hospital, it was suddenly gone. like a massive vise had just been taken off my head. i was finally able to take a long nap without worrying about never waking up.
it was so bizarre. i’ll take the worst hangover over that, any day…