exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

a healthy lung is a happy lung

by J at 10:01 am on 18.07.2005Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem, mutterings and musings

overall, a peculiar kind of weekend!

friday evening, j, k, t and i went to a local open-air jazz festival. we brought wine, cheese, olives and bread and enjoyed some bluesy music to unwind from the week. really nice.

saturday, the newly nicotine-free j woke up at 7:00. which meant that *I* woke up at 7:00. we headed up to woolworth’s to pick up the new harry potter, then did some grocery shopping for the bbq on sunday. i came home and scrubbed the bathroom like a madwoman, did mountains of dishes. after burning off some energy, i spent the day in the sun reading with cocktails at the ready, and then we decided to go have a meal and catch a movie in wimbledon. as we were getting ready to leave, a woman was hit by a car outside our front door.

we didn’t actually see the hit, but heard the unmistakable sound of human hitting car and ran out to the balcony see what had happened. it looked like the woman was walking out from behind a bus in the crosswalk, just as a car came flying around the corner. she was hit hard enough to be thrown over the roof of the car, and leave a skull size imprint in the windscreen.

i have been waiting for an accident like this to happen, as buses just come flying around that corner, barely even tapping the brakes, taking the curb edge with the tyre, and I’ve almost been hit several times myself. now that there’s scaffolding up for demolition, it’s even harder to see any pedestrians around the corner.

luckily the woman appeared to be relatively okay – there were some emts from the local hospital right there, and lots of witnesses. but it never fails that when there’s an accident, all my adrenaline and emergency training starts kicking in, even if other people are already involved. it took a few minutes to shake off the effects, and wait for the police to arrive.

after it was clear that all would be okay, we left for our dinner & movie date. we went to see “war of the worlds”, and as much as i hate tom cruise, I’m really glad I saw it. it’s the first movie i have actually been scared by in ages. in fact, i can’t remember the last movie where I was frightened, and this one definitely had my heart pounding. spielberg is a master of building tension and edgy atmosphere, and the scenes were creepily similar to my childhood nightmares. thoroughly enjoyable.

sunday i woke up and made some potato salad and pie for the bbq. read more harry potter. cleaned up beer (the plastic bag split just as j was putting the sixpack on the counter, smashing several coronas all over the kitchen floor), and fired up the grill. all the band was there (k, stef, alex, and marco) along with significant others and assorted children. we stuffed ourselves silly. Chris and ton brought by their 4 day old jude john, and I spent several hours monopolising the baby.

i will also mention (though it still seems a bit premature to boast) that i am currently on my 3rd non-smoking day. needless to say, i have been more than a tad bitchy this weekend, and this also explains my cleaning frenzy, and why I am updating my blog at work, rather than doing… you know, actual work. in 72 hours, I have worked my way through about a kilo of mint imperials (you can always get teeth fixed – you can’t grow new lungs!) also, saturday (the morning j woke up at 7) was perhaps the longest day of my life. i was up from 7 am to 2 am, and even when you’re not looking at the clock every 20 seconds, nicotine withdrawal warps your perception, and time just slows to a standstill. I was so disappointed in myself after last time – i’d done so well for a month, and one big trauma sent me scrambling back to the ciggies. really stupid. anyway, i’m pretty darn determined this time. my sense of smell is already returning – it’s rubbish collection day, so my morning walk to the tube was pretty ripe. the joys of london. also, i have become the most accident prone person on the planet – my co-ordination is pretty bad at the best of times, but after this weekend, i am just all kinds of discombobulated. i swear, sometime i feel so disoriented, it’s like i’m high.

finally, j’s sister carey had a baby girl on Friday! I am now auntie to Rachel, of whom i am awaiting pics. there’s just babies sprouting everywhere these days…

jude john w.

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