curiouser and curiouser
moshi moshi!
feel like I’ve been neglecting the linkage for too long, so here’s a few interesting tidbits i tripped over today:
universe in a box: scientists create a computer universe complete with 20 million galaxies. almost as amazing, it took only 25 million MB memory.
for a chuckle (i can only assume that was the intent!) the conservative magazine human events has listed their 10 most dangerous books of the 19th & 20th centuries. just don’t read and think at the same time.
creationism: god’s gift to the ignorant
in la la land: schwarzenegger digs up a road to fill a pothole for the press. ahhhnnie, that’s just not right.
made choc chip cookies yesterday (oh about 5 dozen or so) and thought i’d pass along this nestle tollhouse cookie recipe. I’ve had to explain to my flatmates and several peeps at work, why this is the *definitive* chocolate chip cookie, but really should’ve just pointed them here. None for you, all for me