exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

mental flex

by J at 9:11 pm on 30.04.2005Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem, mutterings and musings

so the weekend is officially underway – and sometimes it just goes by so so fast, it’s all a big blur, and at the end of it, when someone asks you how it was, you find yourself grasping at straws to explain just how you managed to fritter away 36 whole hours of freedom with nothing to show for it.

last night was interesting. the neighbours cooked a lovely szechuan dinner of eggrolls, prawns and spinach and we sat in the kitchen having the most intellectually stimulating conversation i’ve been a part of for a long while. seriously – we talked about globalisation, and race relations, and the politics of china, and religion, and world bank debt. at times it was a tagteam effort, two against one (me being the one), and at times, there were about three different conversations going on, and they all diverged and re-merged, and we were at this for about 3 hours.

it was a great mental workout – which is good, because sometimes i can actually *feel* my brian atrophying.

anyway, after that, we unwound with a little chris rock – underneath the hysterical histrionics, there’s always a bit of a moral to the story, or a political nugget to impart. I’ve seen him interviewed, and he really is one smart cookie. As well as being one goddamn funny motherfucker.

okay, it’s later now – we just got back from seeing “the hitchhiker’s guide to the universe”. which was entertaining enough, but i suppose you had to have read the book. from what i can gather, it’s one of those novels which can leave a profound impact on your psyche, if you happen to read it at the right point in your life. everyone has one of those books. for me, it was “illusions: the adventures of a reluctant messiah” by richard bach, when i was 16. i won’t go too far into the storyline (because you really did have to read it) but it deals with the concept of the return of the messiah in modern times, yet at the same time, challenges the precepts and tenets which every major religion is founded on. i remember feeling like my brain had just exploded and expanded at the same time. it was a “big bang” effect. anyway, there’s no way a movie can live up to that.

tomorrow we’re off to bristol to visit some old friends of j’s who own an inn, so it should be fun. supposed to be nice weather as well, and i haven’t been to bristol yet, but i’ll tell ya all about it when i get back…

enjoy the rest of the weekend – and if you’re reading this and you can see sun out the window, for god’s sake get outside!

ciao, bella.

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