exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

friday frippery

by J at 7:07 pm on 8.04.2005Comments Off
filed under: eclectica

Oh my gosh, it’s hailing outside right now! Hope it doesn’t kill my poor lil planties. what is happening in this crazy world?!?

Fever pitch, the movie about red sox fandom is out. as slate says:

What makes the movie fun and sometimes even moving is its complicated view of fandom… Fandom takes you out of the real world, yet it makes you feel as if you’re plugged into something higher, outside yourself , out of your control. It’s about living for players who are completely indifferent to you personally, and yet, in worshipping them, you remain in touch with a kind of pure, childlike joy.

couldn’t have put it better myself.

for anyone who grew up with sesame street, here’s a top 25 moments. still a seminal point in many people’s childhoods, including mine.

enjoy the weekend, y’all.

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