exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

council estate

by J at 5:25 pm on 7.04.2005Comments Off
filed under: londonlife, mundane mayhem

Been working at the council now for 2 years this week (umm, happy anniversary?) My building has about 400-500 people in it, 8 floors, 2 lifts and 17 toilets.

In the past two years:

– the building has been closed twice (once, no electricity, once flooding)
– the 4th and 3rd floors have been closed for a period of 4 weeks due to toilets flooding (separate incident. i know what you’re thinking, and no, our building is not, in fact, an ark)
– the phone system has gone out at least 6 times
– the computer network has gone down at least a dozen times
– one of the lifts has been out of order (for more than a day) at least 6 times (i work on the fifth floor and smoke. you do the stair math)
– 16 of the 17 toilets were not working until lunchtime one day (it’s like working in a camp with portaloos!)
– the windows in the entire building have had to be sealed due to threat of falling out (this should be fun, come about june, as the building heat only comes on when it exceeds at least 15 degrees outside)
– there is known asbestos in the walls
– there is a raging battle with mice
– there has been one documented case of tuberculosis
– there has been one genuine bomb scare (i was mostly annoyed that i couldn’t leave the building at my regular quitting time)

this is the pleasant and healthy environment that I so enjoy working in each day. aren’t you jealous?

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