exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

driving me up a wall

by J at 6:14 pm on 15.03.2005Comments Off
filed under: mundane mayhem, rant and rage

can i just bitch about how difficult it has been to renew my driver’s license?

went to renew online, only to have the transaction refused. called to find out why, and no one seemed to understand that I was called from outside the country. they said I had outstanding excise tax from 2001 (bullshit, but of course, i don’t have the cancelled cheque to prove it), so rang a different number to find out – $120. *and* an outstanding parking ticket from the MDC. Which of course is not a state agency, but a federal agency, as it is the parks department, which means they could not provide the phone #. at least it *used* to be the MDC. now it has combined and become some other department, so i tracked down an enquiries email, who provided the phone #. Called them – $60. So I sent chques to these bloodsuckers (on my us acct.). and 12 weeks later, i *still* can’t renew my license. i have a sneak suspicion they make people get clearance letters and go down to the RMV in person. which of course, i can’t do.

bloody hell.

anyway, some interesting tuesday links:
ca is the next ma
david hasselhoff does “hooked on a feeling” – video
new ridiculous sport – ski-jumping pairs. two people, one set of skis, or as the site describes it, “an event of fantasy which deserves to be called torture”

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