exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

death warmed over

by J at 1:04 pm on 6.02.2005Comments Off
filed under: mutterings and musings

this sucks. I am sick of being sick. I am so bored and miserable, I could cry. I missed my concert. I have sweated my way through 5 pairs of pajamas in 3 nights. Poor j has not had a wink of sleep between my coughing fits, and my shivering and moaning, and my inferno-like night sweats. I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to watch any more telly, I don’t want to sleep, and I’ve read every book in my possession. I haven’t ventured outside in 4 days, the sight of any more putrid “lemsip” makes me want to vomit, and i am so cranky i am annoying myself. I’m usually not a bad sickie – i generally suck it up and keep going with a minimum of moaning. But this makes me want to just curl up in a ball and die. not to mention i have a shitload of work to tie up before holiday, and I’ve only got 3 days left…assuming I live to see another day at council.

i may not make it.

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