exciting, informative, snarky, and very likely fabricated tales of life as an american expat in london

blog birthday

by J at 6:21 pm on 4.01.2005Comments Off
filed under: mutterings and musings

so i’ve been doing this blog for a year now, interestingly (or not) enough. i guess it all started because i got tired of copying and pasting emails as a way to keep in touch with friends and family back in the states. this page has gone through about 4 different incarnations since then, and while i’m not even sure anyone reads it, i seem to find it cathartic/fun/self-obsessive enough to keep it up. at the very least, it keeps me writing, and thinking, and gives me a space to vent about shit no one else wants to listen to anymore, so i’ll keep typing away until it no longer serves it’s purpose…

in that vein of thought, here are some interesting articles about who blogs, who reads, and why:

the blog as social artefact

blog reading explodes, thanks to the election

10 things we learned about blogs like most bloggers are women.

not blog related, but we’ve all done it: yahoo’s office email attachment awards of 2004

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